Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is a vitamin that doesn’t get as much attention as some other members of the B vitamin family. However, it is a very importa...

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Vitamin B1 is a vitamin that doesn’t get as much attention as some other members of the B vitamin family. However, it is a very important component of the vitamin B group and plays an integral role in the human body. The benefits are numerous and it is an essential nutrient that your body would be lost without.

Vitamin B1 is used by nearly all our cells and is responsible for converting food into energy and helping electrolytes flow in and out of cells. It also supports proper functioning of our nervous system, muscles and major organs like our brain, heart and stomach.

While deficiency can lead to very serious diseases (Beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome), some early stages of vitamin B1 deficiency are already very common in the population as we eat a diet filled with refined, processed foods. Alcohol in small quantities also destroys vitamin B1 totally and as we get older, it becomes harder for the body to properly metabolize thiamine, making elderly people particularly at risk for vitamin B1 deficiency.

Some examples of deficiency symptoms are: Fatigue, lack of energy, reduces pain tolerance, loss of appetite, irritability, constipation, mental depression, nausea, peripheral neuropathy or regular muscles cramp.

Following beneficial effects are claimed by the “European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)”:

Thiamine contributes to

  • normal energy-yielding metabolism
  • normal functioning of the nervous system
  • normal psychological function
  • normal function of the heart

Taking any one of the B vitamins as a single supplement for a long period of time can result in an imbalance of other important B vitamins. For this reason, it is recommendable to take a supplement, which includes the full spectrum of the B vitamins.

We at Vitaalia offer the complete range of all 8 B-vitamins (“neurotropic vitamins”) in optimal dosages in handy spray bottle as the sublingually absorption through the mouth is a very fast way to deliver the vitamins into the bloodstream. You can also find the full spectrum of B-vitamins in our Multivitamin & Minerals plus tablets.